
Hi, it’s Ahmet (or Amad). I’m a coffee addicted dude who writes and develops softwares and electronics with passion! Into software development since 2004 and still learning. Time-to-time done some electronic projects but more into at like couple of years.

Trying to help to other people such as students or stucked-in-a-code ones but unable to write books (tried it, really not my style) - I have another blog too but whenever I try to write, constantly writing and deleting my sentences :/. But, if you need help, feel free to write me (see contact details below).

Software Development

For online projects, my favorite lang is PHP. Of course I don’t have limits like I only write at these languages..., till now I wrote at too many languages which customers preferred (if they had). But; of course I have favorites :]

I’m not doing ordinary apps/sites anymore. Idea must be unique, new, innovative etc. Trying to merge software, mechanic and hardware together but if you have question you can contact with me.


Please don’t contact with me for I have an idea but don't have developer. <3 you all

email: amadertem [at] gmail [dot] com

discord: amad#7088

I’m not active at social media (I have accounts but… just I have - you know…)

twitter: @ahmetertem

instagram: @ahmet_ertem